Business Immigration Packages (BIPs)

A commercial focus for all your business immigration needs!


To succeed in business you need to keep your best staff.

Employing and retaining good foreign workers can make all the difference to the success of your business. If you lose your sponsorship licence or receive a large civil penalty then your business could really suffer. Also business reputation is very important. If you mistakenly employ someone without the correct permission to work then your business name could be tarnished. Why take the risk? Get to grips with your legal responsibilities now and don't run the risk of damaging or losing your business or business reputation. You can now instruct experts to assess and evaluate your business immigration compliance practices to ensure that you are not breaking the law.

We also have a series of specially designed tutorials that will help to keep your HR departments on top of your legal responsibilities. Understanding and implementing effective HR immigration compliance practices can be complex, but with our help you can take control and keep on top of your legal responsibilities.


What's the deal?

Our group business immigration packages are ideal for businesses and organisations that have a number of members or employees who can benefit directly from having discounted access to our specialist immigration services. Our group BIP services have been developed so that your members or employees get everything they need when they need it. An important point to note is that with our help your members or employees could now afford to make their immigration applications when they need to. This is because they no longer have to find expensive legal fees before they can get their applications processed.

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HR Compliance - BIPs

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Group Member - BIPs

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How can we help?


Our BIPs Will Help You Get Your Time Back !!

  • Implement effective checking and monitoring practices
  • Keep on top of your Sponsorship Licence responsibilities
  • Avoid breaking the law for employing illegal workers
  • Get to know the associated risks in employing a particular person or a group of individuals
  • Have systems in place to keep your best staff working for you come Brexit

Our business retainer packages can be used as comprehensive support network for your whole business or just your HR department.

Business Immigration Packages (BIP)

Contact Me About Your BIPs

Discover what our BIPs

Can do for your business

Call Andrew or Shannon between 9.00 am and 4.30 pm, Monday – Friday!