Instructions : 0
Indefinite leave to remain (refugee)
Indefinite leave to remain (refugee)
Settlement Instructions : 0This refugee indefinite leave to remain application is for anyone wanting to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK as a refugee. This application can be submitted after you have completed 5 years residency in the UK as a recognised refugee.
Instructions : 0
Marriage Settlement Application
Marriage Settlement Application
Settlement Instructions : 0This UK marriage settlement application is used to make a settlement application for a spouse or civil partner. You can apply under this route if you have been in the UK legally as a spouse for at least 5 years of continuous residence in the UK before qualifying for indefinite leave. If you are applying under this category, you must show that you meet all the requirements and provide the relevant evidence to support your application.
Instructions : 0
Settlement Long Residency (10 years or more)
Settlement Long Residency (10 years or more)
Settlement Instructions : 0This is a settlement application for long residency in the UK. You can apply under this route if you have been in the UK legally for at least 10 years. Your residency must be continuous and you must be in a position to prove it before qualifying for indefinite leave. If you are applying under this category, you must show that you meet all the requirements and provide the relevant evidence to support your application.
Instructions : 0
ILR Domestic Violence
ILR Domestic Violence
Settlement Instructions : 0This application is made by anyone wishing to apply for settlement base upon their claim to be a victim of domestic violence or abuse. You can apply under this route if you were previously granted leave to remain as a a partner/spouse of a British Citizen, person settled in the UK or a member of the UK armed forces who has served for at least 4 years and since your last grant of leave to remain you have claimed to have been a victim or domestic violence or abuse. If you are applying under this category, you must show that you meet all the requirements and provide the relevant evidence to support your application.